Monday, April 30, 2007

Bringing someone's mummies to Hainan

Daddy told me 2 weeks ago that he wanted to go Hainan instead of Angkor Wat. Kind of disappointed at first. I have been reading up for the places i am going to visit, check up on the cost of accomodation , driver, tickets etc. Now, i have to start doing research again.

Later, he told me that my Gugus (my Daddy's sisters) are also going with us. Hmmm, the group is getting bigger. Ok, have to check up on the place now.

Did some research again on Hainan, sounds ok after talking to my friend, Chen W S who is staying at Hainan. Asked him to help me get a driver & car & ask another of our friend to help check on hotals at Sanya.

After mum passed away 3 years 10 months ago, i regretted not spending more time with her, like bringing her for tour.

Now came my opportunities of bringing someone's mothers & my own daddy for a real family gathering. I will make up for what i counldn't do for my own mummy.

Daddy would love this trip. I can somehow feel that he is looking forward to it although his tone when talking about it is the same. He is that kind of person who wouldn't show his feeling out, or shall i said my whole family are bad at expressing ourselves?

This thought keeps me motivated & yes, me too, are now looking forward to it. I am going to make this a wonderful memory for us all. It would be so much better if mummy is still around. Anyway, i will bring her along with me :)

(PS: this is not my first trip to bring Daddy out for a tour, but i promise myself to bring him travelling at least once a year. Our last trip was to HongKong)

Friday, April 27, 2007


没想写这么长的小说,但是,不知不觉地, 就写到第三章了。

那天晚上, 睡到大约凌晨5点多就醒了。
之前做了一个美梦,拥有爱情桥段的故事,那种温柔的感觉, 填满了我的心中。
于是,就花了1个小时把大纲从头到尾想好 。
后来, 就在他和她的故事里模模糊糊地睡下了。
接下来, 就是把她写出来 了。


现在看书, 我会仔细的看,慢慢品尝。正在看蔡智恒的“亦恕与珂雪” 。 他的文笔,即温柔,又幽默。




PS:我今天上了TODAY 报了 :)

Monday, April 23, 2007


那天,接到一通电话。As usual, 一开口Jndmgjf niggling,gnlibcnhfigphj kjgl jkfjdl……….. (来者讲的是马来文,一开口就噼里啪啦的没完)

我的马来文是印尼注册有限公司,回应只有,“har? ”完全抓不到球。

只好用我最自豪的一句马来文回他,“Aku tidak bicara Bahasa Indonesia. Anda bicara English?” ( 我不会说印尼文,你会英文吗? )


他好像了解到无法沟通,但还是再接再厉,讲多一遍。这次我听懂了我最敏感的字, 印尼盾300条 (Rp 300 million = S$50,000)

他说:“多谢你多年来对XL(local telecommunication provider, like Singtel) 的支持。你很幸运,中了我们电讯公司30周年的头奖得主,奖金Rp 300条,你要来拿吗?”

多方尝试不得要领, 沮丧的他,只好放弃。




自从我中了马票后(区区$250而已,老实说,可能你会说,有好多人中了几百几千几万都静悄悄的,那像我又写BLOG 又搞一大堆有的没有的,but this is my first time leh。兴奋过度请原谅)。


有时想想,中了马票也不好。贪性会起,而且会越买越凶。难怪那么多人沉迷于赌博中。Hmmm, aku tahu. ( 我懂了)




Thursday, April 19, 2007


Wrote this last night.


从Auntie 那儿补完习回来,就8.30分了,再炒个菜,时间就差不多了。

刚刚Auntie 说她的儿子和女朋友要补华文,我空闲的时间剩下不多,左思右想了好久,忍痛把我的星期六下午的2个小时拨给他们。

每个星期六都是我休息的日子,现在给了他们,我只好休息少一点,人在异乡,赚钱为上。教华文是轻而易举,就当是交流吧!反正,Mangga Duo 好近噢!叫司机载去吧!也可以每个星期去买DVDs呢!



现在不是很好吗?每年搭几次飞机,做个Expat ,多好听呢!回家,纯粹是休息,与家人团聚,和朋友联系,吃午餐,喝下午茶,吃晚饭,逛街,玩狗, 带爸爸出国旅行。。。。多简单,写意呀!



以下是我收集到的我这里condominium 的资料:

两房式普通的房子(一间房间,approximately 35m2), 一年要Rp 20Juta (S$3300),一个月大约Rp1.7juta (S$278),fully furnished。

两房式角落的房子(空间比较大), 一年要Rp 24Juta (S$4000),一个月大约Rp1.9juta (S$333),fully furnished。

三房式普通的房子, 一年要Rp 24-35Juta (S$4000-5833),一个月大约Rp1.7-2.9juta (S$278-486),fully furnished。

Unfurnished 的会比较便宜,但agent 说很难找了。



昨天开e-mail时,收到Juliet & Robert 的回邮,说要把我中马票的事放在 U 周刊,问我可否。
哈!哈! 3X岁了才中马票,他们当然要宣传啦!


但是,我的照片全都美leh,what to do har?随便啦,要不就拿张差不多的,太美等一小JR 不得空,每个人都要访问我then how?酱我会很忙的啦!把那张很美。。呃不是啦!是那张差不多的,很丑的那张给他们.

千千万万要记得mass mail 我的朋友在登出来时,顺便有空别忘记去买U 周刊,也要爸爸哥哥姐姐阿姨大姑小姑嫂嫂雯雯霖霖依婷萱萱凯凯家俊燕芬美风丽萍Rose 清玉JordanJessieSamanthaIreneGekYoong 都去买一份。反正才$1,maybe 可能买两份,或者三份? 送给朋友亲戚同事,也可顺便告诉指给他们看,里面那个长得不错的是偶喽!

不行啦! 嘛嘛说过,做人要谦虚喔!回神啦!

PS: 雯雯霖霖依婷萱萱凯凯家俊=我14岁,13岁,4岁,3岁和1岁的侄儿侄女)

(上面的喃喃自语全是我今晚or or 的梦里对话,看官你们觉得烦可以跳过。)


Wednesday, April 18, 2007


那天,没事做,脑子不知如何转,回想了我这3X年的的点点滴滴。发现自己并没有横财运。买了好多年的马票, 最近才中了$250。

OK! 老实说,我很高兴,但是如果能中多一点,就好了。哈!哈!哼!太贪心了!
SORRY! Anyway, 要说的是,可能老天用另一种方式来补偿我,就是让我在我需要时,总有贵人相助。



中学 至大学期间,又结交到好多兴趣相同, 谈得来的挚友。妈妈生病至她去世期间, 还有我换工作卖保险,都得到他们精神及经济上的帮忙。你们都是我的贵人。

学佛道路上,也得到无可言语的支持。尤其是NTUBSA 和慧严的朋友们,谢谢!特别要提的是一对夫妻,默默无闻的给了我好多支持。这些都是我的善知识。






我相信因果轮回,人,要做善事,积福累德。所以,我会努力的做善事,即使是在印尼。这里穷人更多,更需要帮忙。每次看到他们,我都好庆幸自己不必受苦,我的苦和他们比较根本微不足道。如果有来世,我还要做人,但可否容许我一个自私的要求,让我做回新加坡人呢?Singaporean is very fortunate. 让我可以帮助更多受苦受难的人?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

等了2x+y年, 我终于等到了!!!

“今天是2007年4月15日, 现在报道万字票中奖号码。。安慰奖号码是。。。入围奖号码是。。。8355。。。。”

听了3 年的电台广播报导, 我都会背了。不同的是,这一次, 我是一个小小小小的得奖者。还有,现场报道时, 我不在国内。





好!接下来,我要努力注意交通事故(Joking lah),看他们的车牌,然后sms 回家叫家人买。




哈!哈! 我不会告诉你的!哼!写在网上还得了!不灵了啦!

老实告诉你,上面的灵感不灵的,过去2x+y 年,出现了不下XX 次,都没中。所以呢!那天在补习时,我跟一个学生拿了4 个号码。她的运气实在好得不得了。我跟她玩第六感游戏,她连续猜中11次!!!


如果你接下来几个星期没看到我写blog 了,就代表我休假了,祝福我!

还有一件事,可能有关:3月时, 我去 Julie & Robert 买了四叶草,听说好多人都中马票哦!原本以为来印尼不会中,但是!哈!哈! 哈!我还是中了处女马票!

地点在:Beach Road, The Concourse.

如果我那天叫爸爸买了$10000, 会中多少呢?$250000???



咦!我的计算机呢?Di mana?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend in Jakarta & things i want to do

What do u do on weekend when u are in Jakarta?

Not much for me, u can finish counting in 5 fingers : shoppping, visiting frineds, go eating, watch movie(DVD), stay at home & surf internet.

First 3 things are easy to achieve in Singapore, why? Transport is SOOOO damn convenient! u can reach any places via MRT, bus, taxi.

Ok, i am not saying there is no taxi in Jakarta but mostly are not reliable. Rumours said that they will rob the locals in taxi not to mention u r an outsider who doesn't speaks their language. Either that or they will make big turn & go by the wrong or long way to reach ur destination. That is personal experience.

I am not a very adventurous person, u may say i am super kia see because i need to take care of myself for my family members & friends who love me. I will only take public transport to places that i know well-like Mangga Duo (my favourite place for buying DVDs). If not, i will take the free shuttle bus provided by the management to Mall Ciputra or Mall Taman Anggrek.

Today is Saturday. So, what did i do? Hmm, i had a tuition from 9am to 10.30am. Then i took the free shuttle bus with Helen to Mall Ciputra and had our lunch. There is a new restaurant called 'Qua-Li'. Food is good, tried their Goreng(Fried) Udang(Prawn) with Thousand Island sauce pus kankong & 2 Nasi (rice),2 drinks. Cheap & good. Total is Rp 61.000 (S$10). I also bought a new bra & 2 panties cos Matahari is having 50% sale! How can i miss it? Only Rp 50.000 (S$8.30).

My weekend or my Saturday(off day) is normally comprises of all the 5 items. I will shop & eat in a shopping centre, then when i go home in the evening or late afternoon, i will surf internet & then watch DVDs.

Sounds interesting for a while but when u do the things repeatedly for weeks, gets so bored!
I long for the sight of family members
I want to go library & read borrow books
I want to talk to stanger even if it is just some simple words like 'thank you', 'welcome' 'can i help u?'-i miss singlish
I want to just hang around in the neighbourhood, browsing & just sitting in a corner, looking & watching people talking about 4D, toto, weather, price of vegetable...last time i went back, i heard housewives talking about stock & shares leh!
I miss wearing short going downstair or mall-Jakarta is a muslim country, respect their culture & also for ur own safety, dress decently when u r out. Take out expansive jewellery if need be.

It is a choice i have made to stay here & work, so i will just grumble & u will just read my blog, ok?

If u cannot change the environment, u have to change yourself. I have learn to deal with loneliness & boredom these 2.5 years. Maybe it is a rehearsal for my retirement.

There are things i plan to do here :
meditation - sad to say, not much progress but the greatest achievement is : i can fall asleep within 5 minutes once i lie on the bed
learn piano - the piano cannot find me
learn Bahasa - 28 drops of ink inside the bucket only (satu, duo,....udang, permissi, terima kasih...)
learn painting - i lent the easel (Mr Ng gave me)to the spider family, they r living happily there, hoping forever
I definitely need to save up for myself & dad & hopefully clear my housing debts, sigh, guess that would means i have to stay here for at least 5 more years?!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Har? Meet in June? Busy leh!

One thing good about being a teacher is, u know when is your holiday, & MOST importantly : u work for less than 10 months and get 13 months pay leh! (That is very attractive for me!)

To see or plan your holiday,just follow the school calender loh. Normally the major term break is in June & December.

Currently planning my June holiday. Have so many things to do, so may not have time to meet with my dearest friends aldy.

First week : either resting at home or go Genting, i miss the cool air there & eer, my hands need to do some exercise with the machine that can sing & pay u $.

Second week : planning to go with daddy to Angkor wat, either from Sun to Fri or from Tue to Fri cos Sat is cousin's Fa wedding. Long time no go wedding dinner aldy, kind of miss the "Yum Seng!" sound & the chaos of wedding....Oh! Brother Fa, not saying that your wedding is messy but most wedding are. Oh! no lah, just saying wedding is filled with noise & so noise =wealth, correct? Also people always make use of it to catch up ma! So, hmmm, when people come they will talk what, right? so , u know what i am trying to say, right?

Third Week : Doing my LASIK checkup on 18/6 then surgery on 20/6. After that, must stay at home rest for at least 2 weeks (of course u can go out the next day, but i super super kia see)

Fourth week : Stay at home loh & rest...mayb can buy some facial mask from Indonesia & bring home & do since i got time.....

oh! Yah! transfering data from my whitety to my blacky...hmmm, also, must call groomer to come & groom my Pager also, guess his hair will be long by then.

July : Going back to Jakarta & start my teaching in a new school....kind of looking forward to it

Monday, April 2, 2007

Kids talk

I was looking at my student's journel (P1) last week and came across these interesting remarks,so cute :)

Question : What clothes do u like to wear and why?
Answer : I like to wear T-shirt and pants because people said i look handsome.

Question : What do u want to be when u grow up?
Answer : I want to be an artist. I like to draw beautiful paintings so that I can sell them and earn money.

Young boy with big dream! just months ago, he told me he wanted to be a chef. Reason : i like to eat.
Come to think about it, he can be both an artist and chef, why not?