Friday, March 30, 2007


This was my diary when i was back home in Singapore from 15-22/March 2007

自由的走动(那里都去-部分是因为健忘,走错路。 后遗征=脚痛,晚 上要擦counterpaint),
跳跃的步伐(因为高兴,所以 逛太多),
不停的嘴巴(原因1: 吃不停,因为怕回印尼没得吃。
飞扬的嘴巴(因为高兴,可以去TM 了。注:此暗语只有亲爱的L 知道 )
(注注:Eerrr, 别误会,亲爱的家人朋友,当然啦,看到你们我也好高好高兴哦!真的!我 somba (发誓)。



Monday, March 19, 2007

My new baby-Blacky

Tonight is the first night for my new baby. She is beautiful-black & shiny. The perfect gift for my birthday.

Paid an adoption fee of $1200. Will definitely bring her over to Jakarta together with her sister, Shiny. Will have to pass over information from her sister to her. Oh! I love them both but i just can't keep both of them.

Still thinking whom i shall give Shiny to? I must find a perfect mummy for Shiny, someone who can look after her and take good care of her. She is a definitely a wonderful baby,i think i also paid $1200 for her, but that was 3 or years back. I will miss her.

Have to get new cloth for Backy, when her owner passed her to me tonight, she is naked. Will search around the house tomorrow. Oh! have to remember to register her onlin by 31 March 2007.

So excited when i think of the tricks & things that i can play with her. Shiny is slow & kind of having virus, cant perform certain tricks. Otherwise, she is also perfect.

Let me introduce you to them :
My elder baby Shiny - NEC Versa
My new baby : Blacky-Compaq Presario V31316TU

Sunday, March 11, 2007



方向不对,在我上空,浪费了我五分钟找寻。本想放弃,但不甘心,对面公寓玻璃的反映太诱惑了,加上金牛座固执本性,嘿!终于脑 袋有灯泡了,让我想到妙计。冲进房间,拿起钥匙,开门关门飞到走廊角落。(以上动作一气呵成,花了18秒,过程中我的仪态请自个儿想象)

Bingo! 我的第八感满分!有一对情侣已经霸占了好风水,pai say ( 不好意思 ),我硬硬挤进去誓死做第三者。一切不言中,他们默默挪了点空位,被迫承认我的身份,让我分享他们的彩色夜空。

长达15分钟的烟花点缀了我的夜晚,层层火花,璀璨夺目,仿佛诉说着一页又一页的美丽童话。距离好近哦!每一次的 故事 都伴随着“砰!砰!”声,我的心跳也此起彼落。半响过后,等我回过神来,才发现我美丽的唇齿半开,好山龟哦!幸好我是站在后面,丑态没被人发现,不然当地2年半的英名荡然无存。

童话结束时,又一发现:快速公路上又大塞车了,大家都停下或放慢速度观赏雅加达难得一见的奇观。后来不知塞多久,因为我继续看CSI 7 了,剧情紧凑,连上厕所也要忍到不能再忍。

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Chinese New Year 2007

Went back Singapore for my CNY, wow! How i enjoy it!The food, the atmosphere, the people, the noise(gossip) that i can understand. Sad to say, i still cant understand much of the Bahasa Indoneia after being here for 2.5 years :(

Everywhere i went to is all red red. Have you ever been to chinatown? You must have but i have no time this year to go there BUT, my dear Daddy bring it to my home! Yes! it is RED RED at my living room & outside my house :)

Let me guess how long will he put up the decoration this year? end of March? used to be for very long but now he super on, maybe just after the 15th day of new year he will remove everything. Forgot to ask him yesterday when i called to tell him i am ok here, couldnt feel the earthquake that affected so many locals as well as some places in Singapore.

如果shopping = 贡献

印尼昨天又发生地震了,强度高达6。3。早报说80 个人死亡,几百个人无家可归。
难怪姐姐昨天发简讯给我,问我还好吗?原来她的公司靠近海边,大厦有震动,职员都被疏散到楼下,以防建筑有危险。二哥也来简讯,问我安危。和以往一样,我都很安全,也blur blur 的不知道发生什么事。让家人担心,想想,还真过意不去。晚上,赶忙给亲爱的爸爸打电话报平安。姐姐早早就给他打电话,说我没事了。小哥也打给爸爸问我的情况。亲情好温暖!
也许是我福报好吧!印尼近期发生了那么多天灾人祸,我都无恙。只可怜当地穷人,一波未平,一波又起。先是2007年1月1日Adam Air 坠机,102人遇难,一直到现在,连尸体也找不回。再来土崩,后来1月底整个雅加达淹水长达一个多星期。现在3月份又来地震,阿弥陀佛!够了吧!
新加坡无天灾,人祸也没,因为政府管得很严,人民生活都很太平。庆幸我是一个新加坡人。来这里是我的选择,学了也经验了在国内无法得到的体验。希望在这里的期间,用我微薄的力量,为印尼做一点事情。当然,如果shopping 也算是一样贡献,哈哈!

Friday, March 2, 2007

My luggage bag full of Fooooood!

Came back Jakarta on Monday (26/2). Wow! Like pao lu(running away from home),soooo many foods inside my luggage bag, about 90% are food. 20kg, just nice :)
Things that i brought back :

1 roasted duck
rou gan
8 duck wings (4 for $1)
half chicken(to cook rice wine chicken for my friends in Jakarta on sunday)
yu shen (for lao qi)- a singaporean way of celebrating new year, symbolising prosperity, wealth & health
canned food like fishmaw soup (yu piao)
Twisties (2×10 pkts)for Deng
Prawn noodle at Tampines Blk 138 market-damn good, tried last sunday morning,but not so good aldy when we ate it on Monday.
some dried food for my vegetarian meal on every Monday
pig’s oil meat (daddy just fried for me, can put it in when fried vegetables)
Gifts for parents who look after me in Jakarta-maybe buy cookies from Prima Deli
Gardenia raisin Bread

The rest of the 10% are : 2 English books, 3 Chinese books, 1 magazine, 3 newspaper (wan bao, Strait Times)

Oh!! How i miss Singapore food