Monday, August 17, 2009

second day at Lhasa, Tibet


Hi all friends,

arrivedsafely at i have no access to blogger, so i am asking my friend to post this via yahoo. u can post all your comments because i can see but sorry, i cant reply.

today is my second at far, adjusting well for the high altitude. still cant believe i am here at Lhasa...saw Potala palace from far, will b visiting tomorrow.

went to sera monastry, my first temple visit...took many photos...

the travel agency i engaged was not good at all, kept telling myself to cool down, dont get agitated.

down here, sun set after 8pm...cold here, mayb less than 20 degree at night...dat time is ok.


bearbemama said...

WOW!!想说我的心也跟着去啦。。路边有没有美丽的花儿?小心气候的变化。。还有上山的路途也要小心呀。。take care!!

薰衣草夫人 said...


Grace Foo said...

have fun...wait for ur great photo ya