SQ878 Arrived 桃源机场at around 6pm.
From airport to town is very easy, all u need is to walk to follow the sign (in Chinese). The buses left airport to Taipei city frequently, approximately every 15min until midnight. The cost is only NT125 and it took us about 45min. As we are staying next to the main train/bus station it was very easy for us to find our accommodation for the night.
It was way passed dinner time, so we settled down ASAP and hurried down for our first meal in Taiwan. The location of YMCA is really very central because there are many eatery around us. Just right opposite us we saw the famous 臭豆腐(NT40). I have tried it few years back when I went to 高雄,the smell and taste is normal to me, it is just deep fried toufoo with vegetables.
Anyway, we walked around the 小吃街 and finally settled on a shop that is selling 杂菜饭,2个便当里有 3 菜1肉, 才售NT130。
Went back to hotel and slept at around 10pm.
起来时是730am.清晨的台北凉风习习,路上行人并不多,可能因为这里不是商业区吧。兜了会,决定就近吃,选了对面街的‘老蔡水煎包’-2杯咖啡,1杯茶, 2盘菜头馃NT110.吃饱了,就在周围晃。
爱书之人。到那都会对书店十分敏感。闻着书香,我来到了‘书乡林’。哗!好多书哦! 看归看,金牛座理智的我当然不会买啦,台北市我旅游的第一站耶,开玩笑!叫我搬堆书,攀攀颇颇 的游山玩水会要了我的小命。后来证明我的决定是明智的。
抵达花莲时,妈呀!没有升降机或电动楼梯,只好把刚消化的1/3的午餐力气全使出来,并并帮帮,伊哦哎呀的把行李拖到 ‘旅客服务中心’。短短的一段路,就有好多黄牛德士司机来拉客,问你要去那里住。
中心的住宿资料 看得我们眼花缭乱,民宿的名字更是一绝。我以后的旅途见闻可以省略不看,但是民宿网站死也要去看一下。记得哦!
我爱死了花莲的民宿,各位,有空没空,也要上网看看,里面的布置好有家的味道,如果有时间或机会, 我会一间一间去住,来个‘台湾民宿の旅’。
美美又名如其址的民宿,比如:王子与公主,国王与皇后,东坡居(BBhouse.tw),晶蓝色美人鱼(pandorahouse.com),温蒂花园(wendygarden.com.tw),潘朵拉の希望城堡(pandorahouse.com),海传(view-ocean.com.tw),法兰丝(francesgarden.com.tw),星光童话屋(http://starlight.hlbnb.tw/),阿里巴巴(http://albb.17919.com.tw),街角(corner-inn.tw),梦之乡(netete.com/dream/index.htm),小鱼(netete.com/fish/),林家(email : lin.shiandr@msa.hinet.net),小熊森林(bearbear.com.tw),白杨山庄(whitesun.com.tw),条尘居(hl-nature.com.tw/),吉美,花莲青年住宿会馆(YHD.myweb.hinet.net)。
哗!睡席梦思,expresso 咖啡机,32寸flat screen TV,5 star pillow, toiletries,造型沙发。这间民宿,杀了我好多照片memory 。
1 comment:
Finally read your experience @ Taiwan, admired all the lovely photos... It is definitely a memorable trip for you and your family. Thot of making a trip there in Aug 08. Don't know can or not...
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