Tuesday, July 31, 2007


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我吓了好大一跳,我还以为要费一番唇舌来说服他的。。。 想来,他是旅行逛上瘾,海南太好玩了。

既然老大点头了,好吧! 接下来我有东西做了。该想下去那里了。还没去过越南、柬埔寨呢!想去ANGKOR WAT.好吗?还是胡志明呢?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007


话说我去听演唱会,不小心少吃了一顿后就得了久违了一年多的胃病。看了医生,然他打了一针,还送了我好多大大粒的药丸。看了好久,内心也挣扎了好久,后来决定5包药里选1包吃,嘿嘿!我天生怕吃药,一粒panadol 要切4片来吞,而且是塞在面包里合着吃的。偷偷告诉你,后来那包药hor, 只吃了2粒就。。。

本想不告诉老爸我胃痛得事(报喜不报忧嘛),但是, 突然好想听到他的声音,就拔了通电话回家。anyway, 胃气胀,好不舒服,也需要他的指点。


五塔散?好像有哦! 找了下,heng 呀!打开说明书看了下,嗯!肚痛腹胀,宁神安心。。。味道好像胡椒粉哦!

出门在外,好多药不可不备。发烧有panadol, 肚痛有五塔散,宝济丸,胃痛有actal。


Tuesday, July 24, 2007


那天,吃了一半晚餐就急着去演唱会场了。怎知,门没开,等了一个小时耶!后来才知有technical fault。


ok, continue the story.

哇! 花了$85 却是露天演唱会耶!喂蚊子,没冷气,检票员给错指示,坐错位。$50 的票有一群人自己upgrade 到$$85 or $170 的位子,没人阻止(或没人敢阻止)。习惯了新加坡的good manners,不敢乱移位,只敢在嘴巴嚷嚷不公平,顺口气。

还好,没下雨,不然哦! 嘿嘿! 有够瞧的,来看的好多都是‘太太’人马,盛装打扮出席-做头发,画浓妆。没注意是否有穿晚礼服的,在印尼,有也不稀奇。

张学友宝刀未老(46岁了哦, 唱了23年了),好多次我都忍不住跟着他同声高唱他早期的成名曲,比如说“吻别”,“每天爱你多一些”,“只想一生跟你走”。。。。。还有好多好多。

他写给大女儿的“摇摇”,还有给太太的歌,都好听哦! 幽默的他还说, 如果我们觉得歌词好,可随便用,没关系。


怕塞车,加上身体欠安,1030pm 就回了。。。后来, 听说他唱到1130pm!!!!!! lugi!!!!

总的来说, 还是值得的,因为是学友嘛!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


哦!我不是他的超级歌迷,but i like his songs n 觉得他好有中年魅力。机会难得,反正晚上也没事干,不如就去听一下吧! 没买贵的票,Rp 500.000 (S$85) 还可以。


八月有个3天长假,想去bali but ticket very expansive! 还在想该怎办好。不然就乖乖留下来补充精力,好走更长的路。

还没拿薪水,整个人好没力气哦!友人说喝YAKULT 会保持青春美丽,嘻!嘻!我一定听话去买来喝,宁可信其有,不可错过哦!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NTUC 我想你

啊!啊!受不了了! 我好想新加坡哦! 多方便!NTUC 就有得卖了。

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


今天,‘很高兴’的被告知要回家躲,因为当地官员会来查。我有准证的,ok! 只是好像还没批准罢了。听说,接下来几天我们都要酱做哦!

我可乐了,回家见周公先生,顺便喝茶聊天,不亦乐乎了将近1.5个小时。呵呵!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


这几天不是我做饭盒,so 不用七早八早爬起来煮饭炒菜,好像苦命的童养媳。晚餐,多数要吃自己了,因为我和室友会忙着补习。

Monday, July 9, 2007

My new day

Came back to Jakarta a week ago. Just started my new school teaching today. How to describe my day? 2 words: TIRED + BUSY.

I took a nap today after school for 1.5hrs. feel so refreshing now :) hope i can sleep later.

The school is okay, small population and so easy to teach.

Have been asking around how to get to mangga duo (my favourite place to hunt for DVDs) n i found it. First, have to take little red bus B01 (pay Rp 1000=$0.15) then alight at SuperIndoor. After that, take another blue bus B02(Rp 2000($0.35) n there u go! Of couse, have to be very careful as usual when u are taking public transport.

went there yesterday wih my friend, Helen. Wow! the bus-way was so crowded!!! packed like sardine! so lesson learned : never go there during sunday. Latest new: the price for DVD increases to Rp 6000($1) instead of Rp5000 ($0.85)

woke up at 5.35am this morning to pack our lunchbox....hmmmm, i could hardly open my eyes when i was cooking. Luckily for me, i have aldy thought of the menu the day before of what to cook. well, this is going to be the same from now on, think of what to cook for the next day. also, think of what to wear. otherwise, i will waste a lot of time standing before the wardrobe scratching my head with my half-open eyes.

i have not yet started the tuition yet, will do so this thursday. Oh! forget to mention about my personal new apartment. i rented one-bedroom apartment just for tuition, i kind of love it, add in my personal touch there by painting cute little flowers in the room. Not down with the drawing yet, just managed to paint 4 flowers. Extremely small but well, i am not really staying there, just need the space for tables n chairs. no fridge,no heater, no bed(just a sleeping bag) but i have got air-con! Finally i can pamper my students.

so anyone coming here can stay there if u dont mind the simplicity of that place. It is easy to get food because there are abundant of makan places downstair. Taxi? easy too. shopping centre? 2 large malls nearby, u can walk there or just take the free shuttle bus....hmmm, i think i sound like a property agent now, haha!

i miss internet. i lost touch of it for 1 week cos the one at school was down. luckily we install it at our apartment too. internet is really impotant to me because without it, i cannot get in touch with my frineds n get to know what is happening back in singapore or the world. not to forget, i cant blog also!

Ok, enough for tonight. got to go off n rest. get easily tired now, age is catching up lah.